Bandana Surana
3 min readMay 4, 2021

Content writer

Key learnings

Making sure you are saying the right thing, to the right people, and are connecting with them at the right time is critical when it comes to content marketing. In this lesson, we’ll explore:

what audience segmentation is and how it can benefit a business

how to use audience segmentation to boost your content marketing efforts

some of the tools and systems available to help you segment your audience correctly

When it comes to producing great content, it’s useful to try and define your values with regards to the content you’re going to create. A simple way to do this is to generate a content mission statement. Complete the following: As a [insert business or brand description, e.g. ‘A local pet shop] we aim to provide [insert service, e.g. ‘top quality dog training toys and equipment] with [insert what makes you special, e.g. ‘with expert knowledge’] with a view to [insert the desired outcome for your customers, e.g. ‘to foster confidence in new pet owners’] Following this, your content mission statement could be something like: “As a local pet shop, we aim to provide expert content and quality dog training gear so that you can be the best pet owner you can be.”

Individual Achievement

Discuss a transition to a new role and how your specific skill set helped you adapt

Explain lessons you learned the hard way and offer advice for others in similar circumstance

Share your daily work routine and why you believe it has contributed to your success

Write about a mentor figure or brand you admire and why

Describe your thought process for approaching different tasks

Share an action plan for the future

Share a company secret – something that is unusual/unique – that contributed to success

Marketing Operations

Create a video tutorial on using a tool for a specific task

Review a new or popular tool

Explore plugins and explain how to create powerful combinations

Reveal an in-house tool and present a case study of why it works so well

Perform one task with a variety of tools and note the benefits/detractors of each


Rank your favorite tools, blogs, ads, etc

“Best of” lists

Gather content that shows the best examples of what people should be striving for

“Pros and Cons” lists

Curate useful content and compile successful “tactics and strategies” lists

List of quotes/personal mottos of important people in the industry

Helpful resources (articles, videos, books, etc)

Checklists for task completion

Explain something using gifs

“10 Commandments of” your industry

Movies relevant to your industry

TV shows relevant to your industry

Commonly used jargon in the industry

Keep a running list blog that you commonly update, like “Content Marketing Ideas”


Create a five-step process for daily tasks that those in the industry face

Ask leadership to comment on how to keep a business running smoothly

What skills it takes to succeed in the industry

Internal Operations

Examine communication styles and workflow around the office and turn into content about conquering internal objections/roadblocks

Find out what questions the account managers get asked most frequently

Write case studies on each department’s biggest accomplishments

Highlight employees

Highlight customers

Share your challenges

Industry Trends

Comment on a popular piece and support with more research or make a case against it

Introduce a new technique or strategy

Comment on a trend

Share tips and best practices

Share examples of bad practices/industry fails

Analyze breaking news/popular stories from your industry’s point of view

Interview someone important in the industry

Write the “anti-post” on why not to use a popular/support a new trend in the industry

Create a sense of urgency with a “What you need to know” post about a new trend

Share popular Podcasts in your industry

Bandana Surana

I am Edupreneur & Transformation leader .Learning Management platform LearnNInspire